Are you suffering from hypothyroidism or have symptoms of abnormally low thyroid? If this is your situation, then the best option towards your treatment is to modify your diet. Thyroid hormone is produced by thyroid, which is a tiny gland situated at the base of the throat. The hormone is very important for body metabolism, a process by which foods, such as carbohydrate and fats are broken down into energy.
One of the common symptoms of hypothyroidism is unexpected weight gain. Other symptoms include depression, low sex drive, irregular menstrual cycle in women, memory loss, hair loss, constipation, chronic fatigue and weakness. By changing your diet will help you to control all the symptoms while at the same time reduce your body weight.
So, what are the necessary foods to eat? First and foremost, you should concentrate on foods that are very high in fibers. Green leafy vegetables and fruits contain high minerals and fibers content, and this will help to reduce your weight. You should also eat lots of sea food and lean protein as well as whole grain. In addition, ensure that you include nutritional supplements such as vitamin A, B complex and C in your regular diet.
Ensure that you drink plenty of water. Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water everyday. This will keep you full and hydrated at all times. Water helps to flush out toxins from your body and also help in the digestion of extra carbohydrates in the system, and this will help you to lose weight.
One major cause of hypothyroidism is iodine insufficiency in the body. Iodine is an important element in the formation of thyroxine, which regulates the production of thyroid hormone in the body. Therefore, it is very important to include foods that are rich in iodine in your diet. Seafood and iodized salt are good sources of iodine.
Another important trace element which can help to reduce the symptoms of hypothyroidism is selenium. It facilitates the conversion of thyroid hormone T4, produced by the body into active form T3, needed for body metabolism. Main sources of selenium include brown rice, Brazil nuts and tuna fish. Ensure that these foods are part of your regular diet.
While all the above mentioned foods can help you to control the symptoms of hypothyroidism, certain foods can also aggravate this condition. Therefore, they should be avoided or completely reduce their intake. Some of the foods that you need to avoid include broccoli, cabbage, spinach, cauliflowers, rapeseed, mustard green and pear. Also, try to avoid excessive intake of alcohol and caffeine.
To learn more about how best to control your hypothyroidism using appropriate diet combinations, visit Natural Remedies For Hypothyroidism
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